YouTube Content Production

I will make you YouTube videos to promote your brand and your products to the right audience. I’m not about view hunting - no chasing the next big trend, no retention hacking, no fake clickbait.

This is what I will cover for you:

  • Brain storming initial concept and deciding on a content strategy
  • Co-ordinate filming with the talent/athlete
  • Film on location
  • Edit the videos
  • Produce Packaging

Lets make content that appeals to your target audience

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Previous Client Work

Client - Bruce Oldham

Create a video promoting his online coaching business

YouTube Strategy Consulting

You may already have a team working on your YouTube content but want some extra input. I’m happy to share my knowledge of YouTube in the action sports world and join your team on a freelance consulting basis.

Here is a quick presentation on how YouTube works and the two key areas think about when making youtube content:

(The examples are skiing specific but can be applied for any sport or niche)

Contact Me


If you just like the look of my videography work and want to incorporate it into a project you have. I’m also available for filming on location. I’ve been skiing for over 20 years and I love working with professional athletes to get the best shot.

Contact Me